It's you turn

2021 Summer interns

The Thinker Doers at Flywheel Project

Cole Rowan

Cole is a student and athlete at Duke University. He was partnered with one of our resident companies, Opex Element 6. Element is a functional training facility, gym, and wellness center. Their Colorado flagship location is based in the Black Lab Sports facility. Cole work on key projects, competitive landscape analysis and creating new programming that have been implemented across the team of coaches and practitioners at Element 6.

Brett Jones

Brett is a student and athlete at Trinity University. He was partnered with Black Lab and focused on projects that spanned across the ecosystem including events, social media, facilities management and exploring new technology and opportunities for the business. His work directly impacted user engagement and creates new channels for our community to connect and do meaningful work.

Elena Trujillo

Elena is a student at the University of Colorado here in Boulder. She was partnered with one of our portfolio companies, ME Biosciences Inc. Her projects were focused around market research, data analysis, and engaging content creation. She also partnered with Black Lab to support events, research new technologies and marketing opportunities across the community. Her work was detail oriented and drove positive outcomes for the company.

Evan Price

Evan is a student and athlete at University of Colorado here in Boulder. Evan was partnered with Black Lab and focused primarily on communications, social media strategy and content creation, facility operations and event management. He also assisted with research on new technologies and their applications at Black Lab and our portfolio companies. Evans contributed directly to the growth of Black Labs global social media audience and the successful in person and virtual events.

Whitely Williams

Whitely was partnered with one of Black Lab’s resident companies, The Sweet Life, and worked directly with their Founder and CEO to deploy social media strategy and create compelling messaging to drive engagement and increase sales. She also did valuable market research and compteiti8on analysis for the team. During her time with The Sweet Life she also supported Black Lab events, operations, and research on emerging technologies.

Thank you all our Summer 2021 Interns!