It's you turn
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Program Logistics


The program is 8-12 weeks and applications are currently being accepted for the Summer Turn with an anticipated start date of June 2, 2025 to August 1, 2025. Please select your desired “turn” or start date on your application.



The Flywheel Project can take you all over the Boulder and Denver area, but home base is in Black Lab Sports in Boulder, CO:

3550 Frontier Avenue, Unit D, Boulder, CO, 80301

Embark on an exhilarating 8-week internship under the visionary leadership of Black Lab Sports. At Flywheel Project, this is more than an internship; it's a dynamic journey into the heart of startups and entrepreneurship. Work hands-on with the diverse portfolio of Black Lab Sports and collaborate with founders in the bustling Boulder startup community.


Interested in becoming a Company Partner?

Ready to make a lasting impact on the leaders of tomorrow? Explore the benefits of becoming a Company Partner with the Flywheel Project. Learn more about our impactful collaboration, talent pipeline access, community involvement, networking opportunities, and enhanced brand visibility. Join us in shaping a brighter future. Discover Partnership Opportunities.